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Hament, B, Oh, P, Carr, D, Moore, C, Dev, S, Ferguson, I, Pena, P, Ehrlich, JW. “Robotic System for Plant Tending in Remote Habitat.” Proceedings of the ASME 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Volume 7A: Dynamics, Vibration, and Control. Virtual, Online. November 1–5, 2021. V07AT07A019. ASME.




Pedro Peña and Ubbo Visser (2020). "ITP: Inverse Trajectory Planning for Human Pose Prediction." KI-Künstliche Intelligenz 34.2, Kunze et al. (ed), Springer, in print.


Pedro Peña and Ubbo Visser (2020). Adaptive Walk-Kick on a Bipedal Robot. In Stefan Chalup et al., editor, RoboCup 2019: Robot Soccer World Cup XXIII. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2020. Best Science Paper Finalist (, to appear.


Pedro Peña and Toffee Albina (2019). "Follow Pedro!  An Infrared-based Person-Follower using Nonlinear Optimization". arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.06837.


Peña, Pedro, "An Omni-Directional Kick Engine for NAO Humanoid Robot" (2019). Open Access Theses. 751. (Master's Thesis)


Pedro Peña , Christine Lisetti, Mihai Polceanu, and Ubbo Visser. "eEVA: Real-time Web-based Affective Agents for Human-Robot Interface". In: Dirk Holz, Katie Genter, Maarouf Saad, and Oskar von Stryk, editors, RoboCup 2018: Robot Soccer World Cup XXII. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2019. to appear.


Pedro Peña , Joseph Masterjohn, and Ubbo Visser, “An Omni-directional Kick Engine for Humanoid Robots with Parameter Optimization,” in RoboCup 2017: Robot Soccer World Cup XXI (H. Akiyama, O. Obst, C. Sammut, and F. Tonidandel, eds.), Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pages 385-397, 2018.


Pedro Peña , Joseph Masterjohn, and Ubbo Visser, “Optimizing Kick Trajectory: A Comparative Study,” in GCAI 2017. 3rd Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence (C. B. et al., ed.), vol. 50, pp. 239–245, EPiC Series in Computing, 2017.


Kyle Poore, Joseph Masterjohn, Andreas Seekircher, Pedro Peña, and Ubbo Visser. DTMF Audio Communication for NAO Robots. In I. Russell and W. Eberle, editors, Proceedings of the 30th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference. Pages: 448-453, AAAI press, 2017.


P. A. Peña, D. Sarkar and P. Maheshwari, "A Big-Data Centric Framework for Smart Systems in the World of Internet of Everything," 2015 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), Las Vegas, NV, 2015, pp. 306-311.

Publications: CV
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